Friday, May 7, 2010

Locusts on the car! And the Murray River

Here as promised is the photo of the front of our 'white' car after going through the first locust plague. After that we covered the inside of the engine with mesh - like everyone else, but still had to wash the front again before returning to Tasmania.
Also the photo of the Murray River from Headings Cliffs lookout - brilliant, isn't it? There was even a picnic/camping spot down on the river here, but we were already camping at Berri.
But there will be artworks coming out of this image!! Yay.


  1. What?? You mean you didn't bring home any dead locust scrapings to incorporate into a painting or two? [Truth: i'm partly joking, there is a part of me that would consider it.]

    Liz, your photo of the Murray River is gorgeous. If not too much trouble, take a photo of your painting(s) when finished!

    I could have whiled away hours on a scene like that!


  2. Hi Meggs,
    Yes,I did actually consider about using locusts wings in paintings!! I could scrape some off from under the car, do you think, where there are still some!! Hee hee.
